



An Australian fisherman has reeled in a deep-sea shark so menacing it makes Jaws look like a Labrador puppy.

Professional angler Trapman Bermagui took to Instagram this week to share a photo of a razor-toothed beastie he’d hauled on board, and the creature is the stuff of nightmares.

Dredged up from 650 metres below the ocean’s surface, Bermagui identified the fish as a ‘species of endeavour dog shark’, captioning his spooky snap: “The face of a deep sea rough skin shark.”一名澳大利亚渔民钓起了一条深海鲨鱼,这条鲨鱼如此凶猛,它的大白鲨看起来就像一只拉布拉多小狗。 职业垂钓者贝尔马圭本周在Instagram上分享了一张他拖上来的一只长着锋利牙齿的动物的照片,这只动物是噩梦的素材。 从海面下650米处打捞上来的这条鱼,Bermagui确定它是一种“奋进犬鲨”,并为他的恐怖照片配上了标题:“一条深海糙皮鲨鱼的脸。”


Many of Bermagui’s followers thought he’d reeled in a cookie cutter shark, but setting the record straight, he replied: "Totally not a cookiecutter. It's a rough skin shark, also known as a species of endeavour dog shark.


"These sharks are common in depths greater than 600 meters. We catch them in the wintertime usually." [sic]


People were quick to point out how creepy the shark’s appearance was, with one person writing: “That’s f*****g trippy.”


Another added: “Woah what a freak,” while a third said: “WTF.”

Other comments included: “What the f**k is that?”, “A face only a mother could love” and “That’s the craziest looking fish.”

Speaking to Newsweek, Dean Grubbs, associate director of research at the Florida State University Coastal and Marine Laboratory, weighed in, confirming the species is likely a roughskin dogfish (Centroscymnus owstoni).

另一个人补充道:“哇,真是个怪胎,”而第三个人说:“见鬼。” 其他评论包括:“那是什么玩意儿?”“一张只有母亲才会爱的脸”和“那是看起来最疯狂的鱼。” 佛罗里达州立大学海岸和海洋实验室研究副主任迪恩·格拉布斯(Dean Grubbs)在接受《新闻周刊》采访时表示,该物种很可能是一种糙皮狗鱼。

“In my deep-sea research, we have caught quite a few of them in the Gulf of Mexico and in the Bahamas,” he said.

“Ours have come from depths of 740 to 1160 metres, so a bit deeper than this report.

“They are in the family Somniosidae, the Sleeper Sharks, the same family of the Greenland Shark, but obviously a much smaller species.”

“在我的深海研究中,我们在墨西哥湾和巴哈马群岛捕获了相当多的鲨鱼,”他说。 “我们来自740到1160米的深度,所以比这份报告的深度要深一点。 它们属于睡眠鲨科,即睡鲨,与格陵兰鲨同属一科,但显然是一个小得多的物种。

Days later, Bermagui posted a snap of another deep sea critter, this time caught by a different fisherman.

He wrote: “Another crazy looking deep water shark. This one was caught by a fellow fisherman off JB.”

Once again, people were convinced the shark in question was a cookie cutter, and Bermagui has yet to say otherwise in the comment section.

几天后,Bermagui发布了另一只深海生物的照片,这次是由不同的渔民捕获的。 他写道:“又一条看起来疯狂的深水鲨鱼。这条鱼是JB附近的一个渔民捕获的。” 人们再一次相信这条被讨论的鲨鱼是千篇一律的,而伯马圭还没有在评论部分给出相反的说法。

“Cookie cutter, I have caught some big bull dolphin fish and some have holes in them where you can see inside their abdomen and other scars that are healing.. It is truly amazing how tough these fish are,” wrote one person beneath the image.

However, another noted: “That looks quite close to Kitefin shark (Dalatias licha). They are in the same family with Cookiecutter shark. If no dorsal spines, that is most likely to be Kitefin based on size, coloration, and teeth shape.”

“饼干先生,我抓到了一些大公牛海豚鱼,有些鱼身上有洞,你可以看到它们腹部里面和其他正在愈合的伤疤..这些鱼有多顽强,真令人吃惊,”一个人在图片下面写道。 然而,另一个人指出:“那看起来很像粉鳍鲨(达拉蒂亚斯·李察)。它们和库克特鲨鱼是一个家族。如果没有背刺,根据大小、颜色和牙齿形状,这很可能是Kitefin。”

